
Making Events Accessible

Send subtitles and translations directly to your audience with Speaksee!

Include everyone in the conversation with professional subtitles from Speaksee - in any language!

From inspirational speeches to detailed presentations, Speaksee can work independently or with any existing AV system, to capture, create, and broadcast accurate subtitles to your audience.

More inclusion for those who need

Live subtitles, available in any language, with world leading speed and accuracy. 

Attendees can choose to access captions on their own mobile phone, or on large screens at the venue.

Our award-winning microphones can work with your existing AV system or independently to create subtitles for keynote speakers, inspirational speeches, or detailed presentations.

QR codes can be displayed throughout the venue for quick access to captions using any smart device.

A copy of the transcripts can then be easily saved and circulated to the attendees after the event.

Attendees can also choose to have subtitles displayed in large fonts or different colours to support visual disabilities.

Subtitles can be streamed embedded in a video broadcast for hybrid or online events

Book a free personal demo below or request a quote immediately


Any further questions? Feel free to contact us at hello@speaksee.com.